Monday, July 30, 2007

Where to start with services

If you ask 100 people what they mean by SOA applications you'll probably get 100 different answers. However, there are some common requirements:

i) they should scale from several to hundreds and thousands of participants/services.
ii) they should be loosely coupled, so that changes of service implementation at either end of an interaction can occur in relative isolation without breaking the system.
iii) they need to be highly available.
iv) they need to be able to cope with interactions that span the globe and have connectivity characteristics like the traditional Web (i.e., poor).
v) asynchronous (request-request) invocations should be as natural as synchronous request-response.

Scalability and availability are possible with other technologies, such as CORBA. Although (ii) and (iv) can certainly be catered for in those technologies as well, the default paradigm is one based on an implementation choice: objects. Objects have well defined interfaces and although they can change, the languages used to implement them typically place restrictions on the type of changes that can occur. Now although it is true that certain OO architectures, such as CORBA, allow for a loosely coupled, weakly types interaction pattern (e.g., DII/DSI in the case of CORBA), that is not typically the way in which applications are constructed and hence tool support in this area is poor.

There is no objective way in which to approach the question of whether SOAs can be catered for in traditional environments. The answer is obviously yes, because no new language has been invented for SOAs and current tools are used to develop them. However, the real question is what is the best paradigm in which to consider an SOA that allows it to address all 5 points above.

Concentrating on the message and making it the central tenant of the architecture is the key to addressing the 5 points. How this is mapped onto a logical architecture (objects, procedures, etc.) and ultimately onto a physical implementation (objects, methods, state, etc.) is not important. The fact is that many different implementations and sub-architectures could be used. So what is the fundamental concept or mind-set in which to work when considering SOA?

The answer is that this is not about request-response, request-request, asynchrony etc. but it's about events. The fundamental SOA is a unitary event bus which is triggered by receipt of a message: a service registers with this bus to be informed when messages arrive. Next up the chain is a demultiplexing event handler (dispatcher), that allows for sub-services (sub-components) to register for sub-documents (sub-messages) that may be logically or physically embedded in the initially received message. This is an entirely recursive architecture.

JBossESB does not impose restrictions on what constitutes a service. The ideal SOA infrastructure encourages a loosely coupled interaction pattern between clients and services, where the message is of critical importance and implementation specific details are hidden behind an abstract interface. This allows for the implementations to change without requiring clients/users to change. Only changes to the message definitions necessitate updates to the clients.

As such, JBossESB uses a message driven pattern for service definitions and structures: clients send Messages to services and the basic service interface is essentially a single doWork method that operates on the Message received. Internally a service is structured from one or more Actions, that can be chained together to process incoming the incoming Message. What an Action does is implementation dependent, e.g., update a database table entry, or call an EJB.

When developing your services, you first need to determine the conceptual interface/contract that it exposes to users/consumers. This contract should be defined in terms of Messages, e.g., what the payload looks like, what type of response Message will be generated (if any) etc.

Clients can then use the service as long as they do so according to the published contract. How your service processes the Message and performs the work necessary, is an implementation choice. It could be done within a single Action, or within multiple Actions. There will be the usual trade-offs to make, e.g., manageability versus re-useability.

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